Friday 9 February 2018




Coming towards the nutrient part of a growing plant i.e. fertilizer. Fertilizer is basic food for plants, your plants cannot flourish without it. Likewise water, fertilizer is a medium that we must add according to the need for the plant. Some fertilizers are good in hot weather and some are for winters, while there are many types that

can be scattered in pots and lawns in any season. You should aware of the use and importance of this medium.

Fertilizers are of various kinds; they are organic/natural and chemical bases. Natural fertilizers are made with natural waste such as manure, kitchen waste, dry leaf, cottonseed, feather, dried leaves, cow dung, blood meal or crab meal. These materials are being kept in the natural way to break down to turn into beneficial form to add in your plants. Natural fertilizers or compost is an ideal for kitchen gardening. It is a lengthy procedure but we will find the shortcuts to it in compost section.


Chemical fertilizers contain synthetic elements in it. It is available in different types i.e. gas, liquid, granular or in powder form. A huge amount of energy is involved in the production of these fertilizers. Therefore, these are much expensive for kitchen gardening. Chemical fertilizers contain energy that helps your plant to grow in a better way. But you should avoid using such chemicals in hot season in short intervals. According to various observations and reading, this may result in a fatal condition for plants. These are good for large cultivations. Their inorganic components are not good for kitchen gardening. But there is always an exception.
There are two popular types of fertilizers that are available in stores for lawns and pots. These are suitable for a kitchen garden and pots. It helps the plants to grow well.
  • NPK
  • DAP

1-NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium)Fertilizer

NPK is a fertilizer that is a balanced diet or fertilizer for plant growth. It is available in sea green color and grainy in texture. NPK is best for a plant from roots to fruit. It contains Nitrogen that is a necessary element to promote healthy foliage and lush green leaves.

Secondly, there is Phosphorus that stimulates the roots development and finally Potassium that is good for fruitful trees and colorful flowers. NPK is available in almost all types of chemical fertilizers in different ratio. Considerably, a regular use of NPK Fertilizer is excellent for both plants in pots or in a lawn.


If you are choosing NPK for your pots, containers, and lawn then you need no more. All you need is to take care of its quantity according to your pots and containers. There should be an interval of 15 days between each dosage.

2- DAP (Diammonium Phosphate)

It is a form of minerals and available in black grainy form. It softens the soil and helps to grow stems. DAP is good to strengthen the plants. Sometimes it is good to use NPK along with DAP for best results. Usage of both in a different medium according to the experts is as below with an interval of 15 days.

Small pots5   Grains4-5     Grains
Medium Pots10   Grains5         Grains
Large Pots20    Grains10         Grains
Ex-Large Pots1     Teaspoon½     Teaspoon
Each lawn plant1     Teaspoon½     Teaspoon

NOTE: The above-mentioned intervals are for spring and winter, while in hot season of summers. You can increase these intervals to one month or more. These fertilizers contain energy and boost that can be harmful in a hot season.

For more information visit following

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